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Subscribing a customer to one or more prices (or plans)

For your convenience, dj-stripe provides a [djstripe.models.Customer.subscribe][djstripe.models.Customer.subscribe] method that will try to charge the customer immediately unless you specify charge_immediately=False

# Recommended Approach to use items dict with Prices
## This will subscribe <customer> to both <price_1> and <price_2>
price_1 = Price.objects.get(nickname="one_price")
price_2 = Price.objects.get(nickname="two_price")
customer = Customer.objects.first()
customer.subscribe(items=[{"price": price_1}, {"price": price_2}])

## This will subscribe <customer> to <price_1>
price_1 = Price.objects.get(nickname="one_price")
customer = Customer.objects.first()
customer.subscribe(items=[{"price": price_1}])

Alternate Approach 1 (with legacy Plans)

## (Alternate Approach) This will subscribe <customer> to <price_1>
price_1 = Price.objects.get(nickname="one_price")
customer = Customer.objects.first()

# If you still use legacy Plans...
## This will subscribe <customer> to both <plan_1> and <plan_2>
plan_1 = Plan.objects.get(nickname="one_plan")
plan_2 = Plan.objects.get(nickname="two_plan")
customer = Customer.objects.first()
customer.subscribe(items=[{"plan": plan_1}, {"plan": plan_2}])

## This will subscribe <customer> to <plan_1>
plan_1 = Plan.objects.get(nickname="one_plan")
customer = Customer.objects.first()
customer.subscribe(items=[{"plan": plan_1}])

Alternate Approach 2

## (Alternate Approach) This will subscribe <customer> to <plan_1>
plan_1 = Plan.objects.get(nickname="one_plan")
customer = Customer.objects.first()

However in some cases subscribe() might not support all the arguments you need for your implementation. When this happens you can just call the official stripe.Customer.subscribe().


Checkout [this example][tests.apps.example.views.PurchaseSubscriptionView.form_valid] and [this][djstripe.models.Customer.add_payment_method].

Note that PaymentMethods can be used instead of Cards/Source by substituting

# Add the payment method customer's default

instead of

# Add the source as the customer's default card
in the above example.