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Manually syncing data with Stripe

If you're using dj-stripe's webhook handlers then data will be automatically synced from Stripe to the Django database, but in some circumstances you may want to manually sync Stripe API data as well.

Command line

You can sync your database with stripe using the management command [djstripe_sync_models][], e.g. to populate an empty database from an existing Stripe account.

    ./ djstripe_sync_models
With no arguments this will sync all supported models for all in database API Keys , or a list of models to sync can also be provided.
    ./ djstripe_sync_models Invoice Subscription
Note that this may be redundant since we recursively sync related objects.

A list of models to sync can also be provided along with the API Keys.

    ./ djstripe_sync_models Invoice Subscription --api-keys sk_test_XXX sk_test_YYY
This will sync all the Invoice and Subscription data for the given API Keys. Please note that the API Keys sk_test_YYY and sk_test_XXX need to be in the database.

You can manually reprocess events using the management commands [djstripe_process_events][]. By default this processes all events, but options can be passed to limit the events processed. Note the Stripe API documents a limitation where events are only guaranteed to be available for 30 days.

    # all events
    ./ djstripe_process_events
    # failed events (events with pending webhooks or where all webhook delivery attempts failed)
    ./ djstripe_process_events --failed
    # filter by event type (all payment_intent events in this example)
    ./ djstripe_process_events --type payment_intent.*
    # specific events by ID
    ./ djstripe_process_events --ids evt_foo evt_bar
    # more output for debugging processing failures
    ./ djstripe_process_events -v 2

In Code

To sync in code, for example if you write to the Stripe API and want to work with the resulting dj-stripe object without having to wait for the webhook trigger.

This can be done using the classmethod [sync_from_stripe_data][djstripe.models.base.StripeModel.sync_from_stripe_data] that exists on all dj-stripe model classes.

E.g. creating a product using the Stripe API, and then syncing the API return data to Django using dj-stripe: