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How to add payment method to a customer

You can use the add_payment_method method on a customer object to add a payment method token to a customer on Stripe, this will allow you to charge the customer later on that payment method since it will be added as the default payment method.

from djstripe.models import Customer

customer = Customer.objects.first() # Get the first customer in the database as an example
customer.add_payment_method("pm_card_visa") # Add a payment method to the customer as the default payment method

If you want to add a payment method to a customer without making it the default payment method, you can use the add_payment_method and pass the parameter set_default=False:

from djstripe.models import Customer

customer = Customer.objects.first() # Get the first customer in the database as an example
customer.add_payment_method("pm_card_visa", set_default=False) # Add a payment method to the customer without making it the default payment method

!! warning Please keep in mind that due to securities concerns, Stripe will not let you send credit card information through their API, so you will need to use a Stripe token to add a payment method to a customer. You can read more about Stripe tokens here.