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dj-stripe 2.0 ~ 2.3 release notes

2.3.0 (2020-04-19)

  • The minimum version of Django is now 2.1, and Python 3.6.
  • Changed JSONField dependency back to jsonfield from jsonfield2 (see Warning about safe uninstall of jsonfield2 on upgrade).
  • Fixed handling of TaxRate events (#1094).
  • Fixed pagination issue in Invoice.sync_from_stripe_data (#1052).
  • Fixed pagination issues in Subscription & Charge .sync_from_stripe_data (#1054).
  • Tidyup _stripe_object_set_total_tax_amounts unique handling (#1139).
  • Dropped previously-deprecated Invoice fields (see ):
    • .closed
    • .forgiven
    • .billing (renamed to .collection_method)
  • Dropped previously-deprecated enums.InvoiceStatus (#1020).
  • Deprecated the following fields - will be removed in 2.4 (#1087):
    • Subscription.billing (use .collection_method instead)
    • Subscription.start (use .start_date instead)
    • Subscription.tax_percent (use .default_tax_rates instead)
  • Added Invoice.status and enums.InvoiceStatus (#1020).
  • Added new Invoice fields (#1020, #1087):
    • .discount
    • .default_source
    • .status
  • Added new Subscription fields (#1087):
    • .default_payment_method
    • .default_source
    • .next_pending_invoice_item_invoice
    • .pending_invoice_item_interval
    • .pending_update
    • .start_date

Warning about safe uninstall of jsonfield2 on upgrade

Both jsonfield and jsonfield2 use the same import path, so if upgrading from dj-stripe\~=2.2.0 in an existing virtualenv, be sure to uninstall jsonfield2 first. eg:

    # ensure jsonfield is uninstalled before we install jsonfield2
    pip uninstall jsonfield2 -y && pip install "dj-stripe>=2.3.0dev"

Otherwise, pip uninstall jsonfield2 will remove jsonfield's jsonfield module from site-packages, which would cause errors like ImportError: cannot import name 'JSONField' from 'jsonfield' (unknown location)

If you have hit this ImportError already after upgrading, running this should resolve it:

# remove both jsonfield packages before reinstall to fix ImportError:
pip uninstall jsonfield jsonfield2 -y && pip install "dj-stripe>=2.3.0"

Note that this is only necessary if upgrading from dj-stripe 2.2.x, which temporarily depended on jsonfield2. This process is not necessary if upgrading from an earlier version of dj-stripe.

2.2.2 (2020-01-20)

This is a bugfix-only version:

  • Fixed handling of TaxRate events (#1094).

2.2.1 (2020-01-14)

This is a bugfix-only version:

  • Fixed bad package build.

2.2.0 (2020-01-13)

  • Changed JSONField dependency package from jsonfield to jsonfield2, for Django 3 compatibility (see Warning about safe uninstall of jsonfield on upgrade). Note that Django 2.1 requires jsonfield<3.1.
  • Added support for Django 3.0 (requires jsonfield2>=3.0.3).
  • Added support for python 3.8.
  • Refactored UpcomingInvoice, so it's no longer a subclass of Invoice (to allow Invoice to use ManyToManyFields).
  • Dropped previously-deprecated Account fields (see ):
    • .business_name
    • .business_primary_color
    • .business_url (changed to a property)
    • .debit_negative_balances
    • .decline_charge_on
    • .display_name
    • .legal_entity
    • .payout_schedule
    • .payout_statement_descriptor
    • .statement_descriptor
    • .support_email
    • .support_phone
    • .support_url
    • .timezone
    • .verification
  • Dropped previously-deprecated Account.business_logo property (renamed to .branding_icon)
  • Dropped previously-deprecated Customer.account_balance property (renamed to .balance)
  • Dropped previously-deprecated properties Invoice.application_fee,
  • Dropped previously-deprecated enum PaymentMethodType (use DjstripePaymentMethodType instead)
  • Renamed Invoice.billing to .collection_method (added deprecated property for the old name).
  • Updated Invoice model to add missing fields.
  • Added TaxRate model, and Invoice.default_tax_rates, InvoiceItem.tax_rates, Invoice.total_tax_amounts, Subscription.default_tax_rates, SubscriptionItem.tax_rates (#1027).
  • Change to use the new style urls.
  • Update forward relation fields in the admin to be raw id fields.
  • Updated StripeQuantumCurrencyAmountField and StripeDecimalCurrencyAmountField to support Stripe Large Charges (#1045).
  • Update event handling so customer.subscription.deleted updates subscriptions to status="canceled" instead of deleting it from our database, to match Stripe's behaviour (#599).
  • Added missing Refund.reason value, increases field width (#1075).
  • Fixed Refund.status definition, reduces field width (#1076).
  • Deprecated non-standard Invoice.status (renamed to Invoice.legacy_status) to make way for the Stripe field (preparation for #1020).

Warning about safe uninstall of jsonfield on upgrade

Both jsonfield and jsonfield2 use the same import path, so if upgrading to dj-stripe>=2.2 in an existing virtualenv, be sure to uninstall jsonfield first. eg:

# ensure jsonfield is uninstalled before we install jsonfield2
pip uninstall jsonfield -y && pip install "dj-stripe>=2.2.0"

Otherwise, pip uninstall jsonfield will remove jsonfield2's jsonfield module from site-packages, which would cause errors like ImportError: cannot import name 'JSONField' from 'jsonfield' (unknown location)

If you have hit this ImportError already after upgrading, running this should resolve it:

# remove both jsonfield packages before reinstall to fix ImportError:
pip uninstall jsonfield jsonfield2 -y && pip install "dj-stripe>=2.2.0"

Note on usage of Stripe Elements JS

See Integrating Stripe Elements for notes about usage of the Stripe Elements frontend JS library.

In summary: If you haven't yet migrated to PaymentIntents, prefer stripe.createSource() to stripe.createToken().

2.1.1 (2019-10-01)

This is a bugfix-only release:

  • Updated webhook signals list (#1000).
  • Fixed issue syncing PaymentIntent with destination charge (#960).
  • Fixed Customer.subscription and .valid_subscriptions() to ignore status=incomplete_expired (#1006).
  • Fixed error on paymentmethod.detached event with card_xxx payment methods (#967).
  • Added PaymentMethod.detach() (#943).
  • Updated help_text on all currency fields to make it clear if they're holding integer cents (StripeQuantumCurrencyAmountField) or decimal dollar (or euro, pound etc) (StripeDecimalCurrencyAmountField) (#999)
  • Documented our preferred Django model field types (#986)

Upcoming migration of currency fields (storage as cents instead of dollars)

Please be aware that we're looking at standardising our currency storage fields as integer quanta (cents) instead of Decimal (dollar) values, to match stripe.

This is intended to be part of the 3.0 release, since it will involve some breaking changes. See #955 for details and discussion.

2.1.0 (2019-09-12)

  • Dropped Django 2.0 support
  • The Python stripe library minimum version is now 2.32.0, also 2.36.0 is excluded due to a regression (#991).
  • Dropped previously-deprecated Charge.fee_details property.
  • Dropped previously-deprecated Transfer.fee_details property.
  • Dropped previously-deprecated field_name parameter to sync_from_stripe_data
  • Dropped previously-deprecated alias StripeObject of StripeModel
  • Dropped previously-deprecated alias PaymentMethod of DjstripePaymentMethod
  • Dropped previously-deprecated properties Charge.source_type and Charge.source_stripe_id
  • enums.PaymentMethodType has been deprecated, use enums.DjstripePaymentMethodType
  • Made SubscriptionItem.quantity nullable as per Plans with usage_type="metered" (follow-up to #865)
  • Added manage commands djstripe_sync_models and djstripe_process_events (#727, #89)
  • Fixed issue with re-creating a customer after Customer.purge() (#916)
  • Fixed sync of Customer Bank Accounts (#829)
  • Fixed Subscription.is_status_temporarily_current() (#852)
  • New models
    • Payment Intent
    • Setup Intent
    • Payment Method
    • Session
  • Added fields to Customer model: address, invoice_prefix, invoice_settings, phone, preferred_locales, tax_exempt

Changes from API 2018-11-08:

Changes from API 2019-02-19:

  • Major changes to Account fields, see , updated Account fields to match API 2019-02-19:

  • Added Account.business_profile, .business_type, .company, .individual, .requirements, .settings

  • Deprecated the existing fields, to be removed in 2.2
  • Special handling of the icon and logo fields: > - Renamed Account.business_logo to Account.branding_icon > (note that in Stripe's API Account.business_logo was renamed > to Account.settings.branding_icon, and > Account.business_logo_large (which we didn't have a field > for) was renamed to Account.settings.branding_logo) > - Added deprecated property for Account.business_logo > - Added Account.branding_logo as a ForeignKey > - Populate Account.branding_icon and .branding_logo from the > new Account.settings.branding.icon and .logo

Changes from API 2019-03-14:

  • Renamed Invoice.application_fee to Invoice.application_fee_amount (added deprecated property for the old name)
  • Removed, in place of Invoice.created (added deprecated property for the old name)
  • Added Invoice.status_transitions
  • Renamed Customer.account_balance to Customer.balance (added deprecated property for the old name)
  • Renamed Customer.payment_methods to Customer.customer_payment_methods
  • Added new SubscriptionStatus.incomplete and SubscriptionStatus.incomplete_expired statuses (#974)
  • Added new BalanceTransactionType values (#983)

Squashed dev migrations

As per our migration policy, unreleased migrations on the master branch have been squashed.

If you have been using the 2.1.0dev branch from master, you'll need to run the squashed migrations migrations before upgrading to >=2.1.0.

The simplest way to do this is to pip install dj-stripe==2.1.0rc0 and migrate, alternatively check out the 2.1.0rc0 git tag.

2.0.5 (2019-09-12)

This is a bugfix-only version:

  • Avoid stripe==2.36.0 due to regression (#991)

2.0.4 (2019-09-09)

This is a bugfix-only version:

  • Fixed irreversible migration (#909)

2.0.3 (2019-06-11)

This is a bugfix-only version:

  • In _get_or_create_from_stripe_object, wrap create _create_from_stripe_object in transaction, fixes TransactionManagementError on race condition in webhook processing (#877, #903).

2.0.2 (2019-06-09)

This is a bugfix-only version:

  • Don't save event objects if the webhook processing fails (#832).
  • Fixed IntegrityError when REMOTE_ADDR is an empty string.
  • Deprecated field_name parameter to sync_from_stripe_data

2.0.1 (2019-04-29)

This is a bugfix-only version:

  • Fixed an error on invoiceitem.updated (#848).
  • Handle test webhook properly in recent versions of Stripe API (#779). At some point 2018 Stripe silently changed the ID used for test events and evt_00000000000000 is not used anymore.
  • Fixed OperationalError seen in migration 0003 on postgres (#850).
  • Fixed issue with migration 0003 not being unapplied correctly (#882).
  • Fixed missing SubscriptionItem.quantity on metered Plans (#865).
  • Fixed Plan.create() (#870).

2.0.0 (2019-03-01)

  • The Python stripe library minimum version is now 2.3.0.
  • PaymentMethod has been renamed to DjstripePaymentMethod (#841). An alias remains but will be removed in the next version.
  • Dropped support for Django<2.0, Python<3.4.
  • Dropped previously-deprecated stripe_objects module.
  • Dropped previously-deprecated stripe_timestamp field.
  • Dropped previously-deprecated Charge.receipt_number field.
  • Dropped previously-deprecated StripeSource alias for Card
  • Dropped previously-deprecated SubscriptionView, CancelSubscriptionView and CancelSubscriptionForm.
  • Removed the default value from DJSTRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION_REDIRECT.
  • All stripe_id fields have been renamed id.
  • Charge.source_type has been deprecated. Use Charge.source.type.
  • Charge.source_stripe_id has been deprecated. Use
  • All deprecated Transfer fields (Stripe API 2017-04-06 and older), have been dropped. This includes date, destination_type (type), failure_code, failure_message, statement_descriptor and status.
  • Fixed IntegrityError when REMOTE_ADDR is missing (#640).
  • New models:
    • ApplicationFee
    • ApplicationFeeRefund
    • BalanceTransaction
    • CountrySpec
    • ScheduledQuery
    • SubscriptionItem
    • TransferReversal
    • UsageRecord
  • The fee and fee_details attributes of both the Charge and Transfer objects are no longer stored in the database. Instead, they access their respective new balance_transaction foreign key. Note that fee_details has been deprecated on both models.
  • The fraudulent attribute on Charge is now a property that checks the fraud_details field.
  • Object key validity is now always enforced (#503).
  • Customer.sources no longer refers to a Card queryset, but to a Source queryset. In order to correctly transition, you should change all your references to customer.sources to customer.legacy_cards instead. The legacy_cards attribute already exists in 1.2.0.
  • Customer.sources_v3 is now named Customer.sources.
  • A new property Customer.payment_methods is now available, which allows you to iterate over all of a customer's payment methods (sources then cards).
  • Card.customer is now nullable and cards are no longer deleted when their corresponding customer is deleted (#654).
  • Webhook signature verification is now available and is preferred. Set the DJSTRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET setting to your secret to start using it.
  • StripeObject has been renamed StripeModel. An alias remains but will be removed in the next version.
  • The metadata key used in the Customer object can now be configured by changing the DJSTRIPE_SUBSCRIBER_CUSTOMER_KEY setting. Setting this to None or an empty string now also disables the behaviour altogether.
  • Text-type fields in dj-stripe will no longer ever be None. Instead, any falsy text field will return an empty string.
  • Switched test runner to pytest-django
  • StripeModel.sync_from_stripe_data() will now automatically retrieve related objects and populate foreign keys (#681)
  • Added
  • Added Transfer.balance_transaction
  • Exceptions in webhooks are now re-raised as well as saved in the database (#833)