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Local Webhook Testing

The Stripe CLI allows receiving webhooks events from Stripe on your local machine via a direct connection to Stripe's API.

Set the --forward-to flag to the URL of a local webhook endpoint you created via the Django admin or the Stripe Dashboard. New Style UUID urls are also supported from v2.7 onwards. For example:

stripe listen --forward-to http://localhost:8000/stripe/webhook/<UUID>/

The signatures of events sent by Stripe to the webhooks are verified to prevent third-parties from interacting with the endpoints. Events will be signed with a webhook secret different from existing endpoints (because Stripe CLI doesn't require a webhook endpoint to be set up). You can obtain this secret by looking at the output of stripe listen or by running stripe listen --print-secret.

In order to let dj-stripe know about the secret key to verify the signature, it can be passed as an HTTP header; dj-stripe looks for a header called X-Djstripe-Webhook-Secret:

stripe listen \
  --forward-to http://localhost:8000/djstripe/webhook/<UUID>/ \
  -H "x-djstripe-webhook-secret: $(stripe listen --print-secret)"

From now on, whenever you make changes on the Stripe Dashboard, the webhook endpoint you specified with --forward-to will called with the respective changes.


If the webhook secret is not passed to dj-stripe, signature validation will fail with an HTTP status code 400 and the message "Failed to verify header".

Stripe events can now be triggered like so:

stripe trigger customer.created